Spring is if not already here then just around the corner. More sun equals more energy. Unfortunately, many gyms have closed and many cities are on complete lockdown. Therefore we decided to list some great home workouts. Whether you do the classes as they are or modify them after your personal preference we assure you they will add something to your home workout routine. We’ve listed apps, IGTV, and youtube- videos so there’s plenty to choose from. You’ll find something for everyone, everything from high-intensity cardio workouts to calming yoga. Get that blood flowing and boost your immune system. Make sure to eat and drink enough and dig into this virtual world of workouts.
P.S If you love Les Mills, subscribe to our newsletter to get access to their home workouts.
Another Space
Follow Another Spaces at-home workout schedule live on IG. The timetable includes core workouts, yoga, and HIIT – perfect for you who want to mix it up. @another_spacelondon.
Psycle gives you 15-45mins workouts on their IGTV channel. Amazing for those who like to mix up their exercise, fast-paced yoga to Sweat and Sculpt. @Psyclelondon.
Barry’s Bootcamp
Do you love Barry’s Bootcamp? Unlike their usual classes, you don’t need a treadmill, just your bodyweight, and IGTV. @Barrysuk.
Do you prefer an app?
Daily Workouts Fitness Trainer
You can pick between ten different 5 to 10-minute targeted workouts, or, if you’re #feelingit, opt for a 10 to a 30-minute randomized full-body workout.
Daily Yoga
Yoga newbies, advanced practitioners, and everyone in between can find their flow with Daily Yoga. Options range from 5-minute quickies to longer 70-minute sessions.
Do you prefer Youtube?
Yoga with Adriene on Youtube
Lovely Adriane gives you all you need yoga wise. She guides you through the different classes and reminds you to be kind to yourself. Its always quality time with Adriene.
Tracy Anderson workouts on Youtube
There is no wonder Tracy Anderson's workouts are so popular. They are great fun, mixing strengths, dance, and mobility at a low frequency.